Bethlehem and the Unlikely Places God Manifests His Presence
Be encouraged that God can show up anywhere
So I got offered a job. Actually, I have been offered a few jobs.
Several ministries that I admire have invited me to join their team. Some of these opportunities are with established missions bases in larger cities with thriving houses of prayer and training programs that align deeply with my core values and ministry priorities.
Some of these opportunities involve networking with larger prayer movements or leading worship in local churches. Friends and heroes of mine lead all of these ministries. Some of these offers have been tempting. I am honored that anyone would consider me at all.
Yet I have declined all of the offers.
Why? Because, even though my work with Presence Pioneers Media could happen from anywhere, I believe where you’re planted matters.
And God has planted our family in eastern North Carolina. And every time I consider other options, I sense the Holy Spirit whispering: “I have something for you here.”
Over the last year or so, God has been speaking clearly to me and my wife Shepard about pioneering, launching, building, and planting new expressions of ministries right here outside of Greenville, North Carolina.
Greenville where? Exactly.
I was reflecting on all of this recently during a prayer walk. As I walked by the small-town houses with fresh Christmas decorations the Holy Spirit reminded me of Bethlehem.
Oh yeah. God loves to manifest His presence in unexpected places. That’s what this Christmas season is all about. God is incarnate. A baby born in a stable in a small town in Judea revolutionized the earth. Bethlehem is the same place the prophet Samuel went to anoint the unlikely king of Israel who launched his own revolution about 1,000 years earlier.
So if God is telling us to stay then I have to believe God could do something special right here in eastern North Carolina. Which means He can do something special wherever you are today. Seem unlikely? Even better. That’s Jesus’ specialty.
But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong. 1 Corinthians 1:27
Be encouraged that God can show up anywhere. Yes, in the big cities and big ministries. But also in the unexpected places. In the weak places. In the seemingly foolish places.
I shared previously what God has been speaking to us about birthing here in our local area. To be honest, our family is taking a step of faith in staying and building here. My emotions are swinging back and forth between excited and scared.
In previous years, I’ve led nationwide prayer networks and worked for large churches. Now I’m shifting much of my energy to a local community. I’m full-time with Presence Pioneers and fully dependent on raising support. In the natural, it all seems foolish, but I have to follow the voice of the Lord.
He has something for us here. And He has something for you right there.
I do believe that what God wants to birth here in East NC will become a hub for serving the broader prayer/missions movements. A place of prayer, equipping, and sending for the broader body of Christ.
That’s why we are asking and praying for $24,000 for Presence Pioneers by the end of the year. To help us stay in “Bethlehem” and watch the unexpected manifestation of God’s presence. Who knows? Maybe it will be revolutionary. It’s happened before. I expect our little community to be one of many “little” places where this will happen again.